7 Reasons Entrepreneurs Can't Grow Their Business
Most small business owners never get past the equivalent of a self-employed
practice with help. Businesses with up to 10 employees are usually oriented around
the skills of their owners. The other people assist and the business owner
provides the core talent to deliver client or customer results.
Where there are two or three owners, sometimes this may grow to 20 or 30 people,
but the same point holds true. You usually find that you have one owner for up to
10 employees, or “helpers”. This still falls into the “S” category, identified by
Kiyosaki in his book The Cash Flow Quadrant.
Why do small business owners get stuck into “S” type businesses? We have
identified 7 core factors that account for this unfortunate truth.
1. Small business owners are good at serving their clients and customers, not at
growing businesses. They have their success due to their diligence at plying their
skill, whether it be in dentistry, landscape architecture, or hanging door frames.
The skills at generating customer satisfaction are where these entrepreneurs
thrive, not in growing a business that offers that service.
2. These people have never grown a “B” type business before. I rarely meet anyone
who currently has a $1 million, a $2 million or even a $5 million business who has
experienced owning and operating a $10 million business in the past. This lack of
experience in running a larger business shows. People just aren’t sure how to
grow. This keeps these owners stuck in their smaller businesses, unable to grow
them to the size they want.
3. Many small business owners are under the misguided notion that hard work and
plenty of it will get them their goals. This is simply not true. Productivity is a
function of design and structure, not your good intent, and not your hard work.
Hard work just won’t get it done. Like it or not, that is a fact. Without the
appropriate structure, you can work all you want, but you won’t achieve the
results you desire. Most small business owners fail to recognize that fact.
4. Most small business owners get caught in a “success-trap” within an “S” type
business. I have seen it often, where people are so good at what they do that they
attract many loyal repeat and referral customers to them, all with individual
needs that must be addressed. This increased demand eats up the owner’s time,
leaving little if any time to design and grow the new, larger business. Yes,
success can be a trap that thwarts you from your goals.
5. Most business owners don’t know how to train others or transfer what they do to
other staff. You may have gained a loyal following from your intuitive skills, but
that is very different from a distinct set of skills called training and
transferring your knowledge to teach others your profession. Without this
additional competency, it is very difficult to scale at the level needed to become
a “B” type business.
6. Owners of “S” type businesses don’t know the perspective that is required to
develop and operate a “B” type business. People who own and run “B” type
businesses think of things from a much different perspective. While an “S” person,
when faced with a challenge, will think, “How can I get that done for my client”,
a “B” type person will look at the same issue and say, “How can my business be
structured (without me) to tap this opportunity for all future clients?” Subtle,
but very different thought processes leading to vastly different results.
7. There hasn’t been a place to go to learn how to take a business from “S” to
“B”. Most available training either require small business owners to adopt large
business methodologies (which do not usually work in smaller businesses). They are
expected to stop their own companies and try to build their own business like a
franchise of hundreds of locations, while still trying to make ends meet. None of
these strategies has proven to consistently work to move the owner of an “S” type
business into the “B” realm.
Our goal at Kaizen Consulting is to do just that: support people who own “S” type
businesses in growing them into strong and profitable “B” type businesses. We have
found that if an owner is effective at delivering a strong customer experience of
value at their current size, we can help them meet their goals for growth.
Keep reading as we keep posting to our blog. We will continue to provide skills,
tools and perspectives that will allow you, the small business owner, to grow your
business, in support of your own goals and commitments in life.
Saif al-Lizam
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Thursday, November 6, 2008
7 Reasons Business Fail
Diposkan oleh Saif al-Lizam di 10:59 AM
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Seorang pernah bertanya kepada Abu Dzar al-Ghifari, salah seorang sahabat utama Nabi saw.
"Apa yang tidak beres pada diri saya sehingga saya takut mati?" Jawab Abu Dzar, "Karena engkau telah mengembangkan (memakmurkan) duniamu (saja), sedangkan akhiratmu engkau hancurkan. Maka, engkau tidak mau berubah dari kemakmuran menjadi suatu kehancuran."
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Laa ilaaha illallah
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا نُوحِي إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدُونِ
"Dan Kami tidak mengutus seorang Rasul pun sebelum kamu, melainkan Kami wahyukan kepadanya: Bahawsanya Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Aku, maka sembahlah Aku.”
(surah Anbiya': 25)
La ilaaha illallah, sungguh bermakna kalimah itu... apa tidaknya, sesiapa yang mengucapkannya di akhir hidupnya...maka syurga menjadi habuan...
Para Nabi ditentang, dilawan, dihina, dikekang hanya kerana membawa kalimah itu...
"Dan Kami tidak mengutus seorang Rasul pun sebelum kamu, melainkan Kami wahyukan kepadanya: Bahawsanya Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Aku, maka sembahlah Aku.”
(surah Anbiya': 25)
La ilaaha illallah, sungguh bermakna kalimah itu... apa tidaknya, sesiapa yang mengucapkannya di akhir hidupnya...maka syurga menjadi habuan...
Para Nabi ditentang, dilawan, dihina, dikekang hanya kerana membawa kalimah itu...
Antara Keperluan dan Tuntutan
Apa itu keperluan?
Apa pula tuntutan?
Keduanya banyak perbezaan...
Tuntutan lebih utama dari keperluan.
Namun tuntutan sering ditinggalkan.
Keperluan pula dilebih-lebihkan.
Sengaja tidak mendefinisikan...
Tuntutan dan keperluan.
Hemat diriku,
Semua faham...
Apa pula tuntutan?
Keduanya banyak perbezaan...
Tuntutan lebih utama dari keperluan.
Namun tuntutan sering ditinggalkan.
Keperluan pula dilebih-lebihkan.
Sengaja tidak mendefinisikan...
Tuntutan dan keperluan.
Hemat diriku,
Semua faham...
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